School of Engineering VOL.]]]Y
An Attempt to Analyze Axisymmetric Sessile and Pendant Droplets
Tatsuki ARITA and Itaru JIMBO
Transparent Aquabeads to Model Geotechnical Properties of Soils
Kazunori TABE and Shigeo HONMA
Method for Estimating the Maximum Permeation Range of Suspension Grout in Soils
Shigeo HONMA and Walid El KAMASH
Vibroacoustic Coupling of a Cylindrical Enclosure with an Excited End Plate
Atsushi KOJIMA, Hiroyuki MORIYAMA and Yasuo OSHINOYA
Ride Comfort Evaluation of Active Seat Suspension for Small Vehicles Using Psychology and Physiology
? Fundamental Consideration by Analysis of Heart Rate Fluctuation and Salivary Amylase Activity ?
Hideaki KATO, Yasuo OSHINOYA, Shinya HASEGAWA and Hirakazu KASUYA
Experimental Examination of Riding Comfort Improvement with Active Seat Suspension of Small Vehicle during
Driving on a Bad Road ? Comparison of Control Performance by a Trade-Off Curve ?
Hideaki KATO, Yasuo OSHINOYA, Shinya HASEGAWA and Hirakazu KASUYA
Basic Study on Noise Reduction Technology for Small Vehicle with Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator
Hideaki KATO, Yasuo OSHINOYA, Shinya HASEGAWA, Tatsuya MORISHITA and Hirakazu KASUYA
Basic Study on Bending Levitation Control for Flexible Steel Plate Using Electromagnetic Force
Takayoshi NARITA, Yasuo OSHINOYA, Shinya HASEGAWA and Hirakazu KASUYA
Monopile and CFT Support Structures for Offshore Wind Turbines
Virach TANTIVIPA, Kazuhiro MIYACHI and Shunichi NAKAMURA
Vol. 51. No 1. 2011
Evaluations and Improvement of Ride Comfort Performance of Electric Vehicle Conversion
Saiful Anuar ABU BAKAR, Ryosuke MASUDA, Hiromu HASHIMOTO, Takeshi INABA,
Hishamuddin JAMALUDDIN, Roslan ABD. RAHMAN, Pakharuddin MOHD. SAMIN